Japan Stocks Rise, Led by Gains in Machinery, Glass, and Mining Sectors

1 min readJan 13, 2023


Japan Stocks Rise, Led by Gains in Machinery, Glass, and Mining Sectors

Japan stocks closed higher on Thursday as gains in the Machinery, Glass, and Mining sectors led shares higher.

At the close in Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 added 0.01%.

The best session performers on the Nikkei 225 were Mizuho Financial Group Inc and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc, which rose 5.41% and 5.02%, respectively. Pacific Metals Co., Ltd. also had a strong session, finishing up 4.99%.

The session’s worst performers were Shiseido Co., Ltd., Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd., and Eisai Co., Ltd., which fell 2.72%, 2.72%, and 2.61%, respectively.

Falling stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, but shares in Mizuho Financial Group Inc and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc rose to 3-year and 5-year highs, respectively. Shares in Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. fell to 52-week lows.

Crude oil for February delivery was down 0.14%, while Brent oil for March delivery fell 0.12%. The February Gold Futures contract rose 0.27%. USD/JPY and EUR/JPY also fell 0.54% and 0.48%, respectively.




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